It is easy for me to make an initial connection with others. A smile breaks down walls and allows the other person to feel welcomed in my presence.
Each morning when I look in the mirror, I greet myself with a smile. It instantly removes any feeling of discomfort or doubt that I wake up with. Smiling to myself reminds me that I am capable and renews my confidence to go after each day’s responsibilities.
Sharing breakfast time with my family is one of my favorite things to do. It gives me a chance to set the tone for a new day together.
When I greet my children with a smile to say good morning, their spirits awaken. The disposition that I offer to the world is contagious, so I choose to keep it positive. I believe in getting back the energy that I give out.
Tensions at the office are reduced when my facial expression shows a desire for peaceful resolution.
I make myself approachable by having a positive outlook. A smiling disposition invites others to speak freely in my presence. It makes the difference whenever an uncomfortable topic is up for discussion.
When meeting people for the first time, I love to make them feel relaxed. Being approachable starts by allowing my face to light up with a genuine smile.
Today, my smile is an invitation to others to join me in positive energy. I greet anyone who I encounter with a bright face as a gesture of kindness. It is wonderful to be able to set the tone with such a simple act.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How difficult is it to smile when I am frustrated by a situation?
2. How else do I maintain positive energy in the workplace?
3. What other gestures of kindness do I extend to others?