I am a positive role model for my children.
Setting a strong example for my children is important. Whether I’m showing them I can manage my feelings or demonstrating how to be a hard worker, I put forth my greatest effort to be a positive role model for my kids.
My children are like little sponges. They soak up all they see, hear and experience. I want them to absorb healthy behaviors and qualities from me. Therefore, I direct my best efforts toward being positive in their presence.
I understand that children’s worlds are filled with many people to emulate. My goal is to be their most positive mentor. I hope my kids will seek me out when they have questions or need guidance.
Although I am not perfect, I endeavor to be the best for my children. In my everyday life, I reflect on my behavior and consider how my children might view my actions and attitudes. I strive to correct within myself any less-than-positive behaviors.
Even though I am very involved with work, my social life, and my hobbies, I keep my focus on demonstrating healthy behaviors for my kids. My goal to set a wonderful example for my children is always a priority.
Today, I reflect on the characteristics and behaviors I want my kids to exhibit as they grow. I focus my attitudes and actions on those qualities to ensure that I am a positive role model for my children.
Self-Reflection Questions
1. What are some specific characteristics and behaviors that I want to model for my children?
2. Do I renew my efforts each day to be a strong positive role model for my children?
3. When is it most challenging for me to portray a healthy and optimistic role model for my children?