Charity in the midst of success creates balance in my life.
Whenever I experience something positive in my life, I share some of my joy with others. Sharing the rewards of my success creates balance in my life.
Earning a solid commission after diligent work is a good feeling. It indicates that there is value in aiming for high goals. When I receive those commissions, I dedicate a percentage to helping others fulfill their professional goals.
Sharing my income reminds me of my humble beginnings. I identify with others who are starting out humbly with the goal of becoming successful.
Giving to others allows me to think of someone other than myself. It shows me how to forget my own needs at times in favor of focusing on another.
I discount the cost of my services when I sense that someone is making a true sacrifice to achieve a goal. It is my way of helping them as others have helped me.
I know that the well-being of friends and strangers alike is my responsibility. I accept my role as an advocate and ally for the less fortunate. Being a beacon for them gives me a true feeling of success.
Today, my life is complete because I give as well as receive. It is a joy to experience success and share it with others. I am fulfilled when I see my charity benefit the lives of those around me.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- In what ways am I able to offer charitable assistance?
- What else contributes to balance in my life?
- How do I measure success in my personal life versus my professional life?