I choose to be content with my life.
Feeling pleased about my life is a choice that I make each day. I accept my experiences as they are and look forward to the happiness I receive from whatever is happening in my life from day to day.
When something in my life brings me displeasure, I take the initiative to change the troublesome situation. I understand that I have a responsibility to myself to create a life that brings me satisfaction and contentment.
To maintain my upbeat attitude about my experiences, I write notes about the activities that bring me joy and pledge to put my best efforts into those activities. In addition, I surround myself with people who love me and whom I love.
Only I have the power to choose how I feel each day and I alone hold the key to my contentment. I am in control of my emotions and my life. I recognize that I truly deserve to live a life of satisfaction and peace.
Today, I prioritize my activities and organize my time so I can spend as much time as possible doing what is most important to me. Doing what I enjoy and spending time with those I love most brings me contentment and happiness with my life.
Self-Reflection Questions
1. How can I remind myself to make a conscious choice each day to feel content?
2. Am I willing to create time for the activities I most enjoy? What can I schedule in tomorrow?
3. How can I regularly seek out friends who bring me support, stability, and peace?