My mind is at ease when others surround me because I choose to believe that people are good, despite the poor choices a few people make. I am safe from harm in the midst of large crowds.
I take precautionary measures to keep my family safe in big groups of people. I establish a meeting place for us in the event of someone getting lost. I teach my children to stay away from strangers in public places.
Having precautionary plans eases my fears because I know my family is prepared for the unexpected. I have my phone nearby with a fully charged battery so I can contact the proper authorities in the event of an emergency.
There are people whose jobs are to keep me safe. Therefore, I can enjoy myself in large crowds without having to constantly look over my shoulder.
I rid my mind of fear and worry by filling it with great memories and pleasant expectations. When I find myself in a large crowd, I choose to enjoy the moment with freedom, rather than withdraw in fear. Instead of worrying about my safety, I set out to have fun.
No matter how large the crowd is, I am certain that I am safe. Today is a day for me to enjoy myself. Fearful thoughts are far from my mind because tragedy is far from me. My life’s purpose is coming to pass just exactly as it should: peacefully.
Today, I choose to step outside into a large crowd with the certainty that I am safe. I can relax and trust the people whose jobs are to keep me safe. I rest assured that they are doing an outstanding job.
Self-Reflection Questions
- Where do I feel safe?
- Whose job is it to keep any given large crowd safe?
- What is my family’s emergency plan in public places?