Old wounds can remain inside me for a long time. However, over the years, I have learned to let go of these emotional pangs. When I release myself from old hurts, I feel full of peace and serenity.
I no longer struggle to hold on to pain from my past. I now envision old hurts as balloons. Using visual imagery, I release the balloons into the sky where they float up, up and away. I am free of them. They are no longer a part of me. We are both released.
Old wounds no longer encumber me. I truly understand the statement, “Let it go.” The lightness I feel by letting go uplifts and energizes me to move forward in positive ways.
Whenever I feel myself becoming weighed down, I look inward to determine the source of the heaviness. Because old hurts do occasionally surface spontaneously within me, I am ready to confront them when they do. I practice saying “good-bye” and letting them go.
When I release an old hurt, my pain no longer shackles me. I tell myself that it is okay to turn loose this emotional sorrow. Tranquility replaces the pain.
Today, I choose to let go of an old hurt – to release something that no longer serves me. I am ready to experience the serenity brought by letting go of past pain.
Self-Reflection Questions
1. Do I cling to any old hurts?
2. Is it time to give myself permission to let them go?
3. When old hurts seep to the surface, how can I handle them?