I am confident that love is on its way.
Everyone wants to fall in love. I find myself daydreaming about love throughout the day and know that love is coming into my life in good time.
I know that my soul mate is near. In fact, my soul mate might even be a friend I have known for years.
I am open to love coming into my life in traditional ways, such as bonding with a possible date at the grocery store. I am also open to love arising in unconventional ways.
Now that I have opened myself to the idea that love is just around the corner, I experience renewed self-confidence. I am secure because I know that just being me is good enough to attract a desirable romantic match.
I feel comfortable within my own skin, and live my life according to my standards. I know that the way to attract my soul mate is to be myself.
I understand that the true secret to finding love is to simply be available to receive it. Chasing love is a dead-end road; I prefer to allow Cupid to take his time finding me. I am patiently waiting for the love of my life to arrive at the perfect time.
Today, I choose to let love come to me. I am confident that love is on its way at this very moment. I spend my time on activities I enjoy, with the confidence that the love of my life will arrive at the right time and in the right place.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Do I have a tendency to chase unavailable people for the simple fact that the chase will be a challenge?
2. How can I display that I am receptive to dating without coming off too strong?
3. Does my image truly display the first impression I like to give off?