I successfully limit my time spent playing computer games.
I limit the time I spend daily on computer games in order to maintain balance in my life. Computer games are a fun and enjoyable method of entertainment in moderation. I play computer games to relax momentarily.
To prevent myself from becoming sucked in by the addictive properties of computer games, I create a daily schedule for myself. I separate time for me to play computer games and browse the internet so that I only do it during that time.
During my allotted game times, I have a great time playing games free from guilt. As soon as that time is over, I close the game and quickly move on to the next thing on my schedule for the day.
The key to successfully ending a game is to give myself something to do instead. Keeping a fast paced schedule makes it easier for me to shut down games when I need to.
I use a timer to remind me when my time for computer games is up. Having an auditory clue makes it easier for me to tune in.
My time is valuable, therefore I always strive to spend time doing things of eternal worth. Spending time with my children, serving others, and working hard for my family are the true valuables in my life.
Today, I choose to limit my time on computer games because, at the end of my life, the legacy I leave for my family is what will matter – not how well I played a certain game.
Self-Reflection Questions
• Does my gaming interrupt my real life?
• How can I set boundaries for my game playing?
• Why is gaming so important to me? What can I do to decrease my attraction to gaming?