I share my gifts with the world.
It is my obligation and privilege to share my gifts boldly with the world. The best I have to offer belongs to everyone.
I share my uniqueness and abilities fearlessly and proudly. The more I am willing to share, the more I can expect to receive. I am comfortable with making myself vulnerable.
I enjoy inspiring others with my gifts. I help them to find happiness in sharing their own gifts. I have the power to change others by sharing my gifts.
I embrace those things that make me special.
Standing out from the crowd can be challenging, but I relish the rewards it brings. I know how amazing the world would be if everyone shared their unique gifts. I am enthusiastically doing my part.
My life is more satisfying when I use and show my talents. I become more confident and increase my self-esteem when people see me at my best. My talents and gifts are valuable resources. They are less valuable when I keep them to myself.
I continuously hone my strengths and talents. The return on my investment of time is priceless.
Today, I allow the world to witness my greatest abilities. I am open to revealing myself. I share my gifts with the world freely and confidently.
Self-Reflection Questions
1. My are my greatest talents? What am I naturally better at than most people?
2. How can I leverage those talents to my best advantage?
3. What do I have to lose by allowing others to see my talents in action? What could I gain?