As one moves out of Apathy to sorrow and then out of dread, they start to want. Want which isn’t fulfilled leads to frustration which brings us to angriness. This anger may cause us to move out of this level or keep us here.
Angriness – the level of frustration, frequently from not having your wants met at the lower level. This level can spur you to action at greater levels, or it can keep you stuck in hate. In an abusive relationship, you’ll frequently see an anger individual coupled with a fear person.
We all experience angriness. Managed in fit ways, anger can be a positive thing — a red flag that something’s awry, a catalyst for change, a beneficial self-motivator. Handled badly, anger can cause health and relationship problems.
Sometimes individuals may feel generally irritable because of stress, sleep loss, and other factors; more often, there’s a more particular reason for the angriness. Either way, you are able to become more cognizant of what’s behind your anger if you keep an anger journal (a record of what makes you angry throughout the day) for a couple of weeks, then talk it over with a good friend, or even see a therapist to uncover fundamental sources of angriness, if you find yourself stumped. Once you’re more aware of your sources of angriness, you are able to take steps to deal with it.
Your angriness is telling you something. The first part of dealing with angriness, as discussed, is examining it and listening to what it’s telling you about your life. The next part involves assuming action. Knowing why you’re upset can go a long way, but eradicating your anger triggers and fixing troubles that make you angry are evenly crucial. You might not be able to eliminate everything in your life that causes you anger and frustration, but cutting down what you can should go a long way.
Since the majority of individuals are below this point, this is the level that most individuals aspire to. It makes up a great deal of Hollywood. In comparison to disgrace and guilt feelings, one begins to feel positive here. But, it’s a false positive. It’s dependent upon extraneous conditions like wealth, position or power. It’s also the source of racism, nationalism, and religious fanaticism.
Pridefulness – The first level where you begin to feel good, but it’s a false feeling. It’s contingent on external circumstances (income, prestige, and so forth), so it’s vulnerable. Pridefulness can lead to nationalism, racism, and religious wars. Think German Nazi. A state of irrational denial and defensiveness. Religious fundamentalism is likewise stuck at this level. You get so closely enmeshed in your beliefs that you see an assault on your beliefs as an assault on you.
Pridefulness makes us blind to our faults. We assume that we’re better than other people and look down on others that we consider less than us. Pridefulness is always associated with wickedness as it really is a cover up for our failures and insecurities.
A necklace is a jewelry that enhances the neck while removing attention on a person’s others qualities that might not be so attractive. Similarly, a proud individual will linger over their accomplishments, looks, power or whatever it is that makes them proud as it covers their weaknesses. Some it is the pride of being born in a affluent family or a privileged class or country but the familiar thing is the assumption that one is better than other people.
Don’t center on your current situation and start comparing yourself with others that you assume are doing better than you. Pridefulness makes us restless because we’re always wondering whether somebody else has acquired or achieved more than us. Humility makes us put others first and gain contentment with what has been provided in our lives.