Health and love shower down on me daily.
Each day, I happily receive all that I need. I am healthy in mind, body, and spirit and I know that I am loved. The people in my life are conduits for all the goodness of the universe. Health and love shower down on me daily from all sources.
Sometimes, blessings come my way from unexpected directions. I am always open to receive these, however they may arrive.
I may be hoping to hear a message of love from someone in particular, but instead it comes from another person. Regardless, I receive all forms of love with deep gratitude.
Also, I feel stronger inside each day. I know that my own health and happiness are assured. Daily, I see them manifest in my life. I take this as evidence of a positive force working in my life, whether I attribute that to a higher power or just to my own will.
However, sometimes in the hurry of life, forgetting to pay attention to my blessings can seem all too easy. Therefore, I cultivate my awareness. This is how I know that health and love shower down on me daily.
Today, I make time to contemplate all the blessings in my life. I am thankful for all of the ways that health and love manifest for me. And I commit to paying close attention all the days of my life so that I can continue to live with a grateful heart.
Health and Love Self-Reflection Questions
1. What are some of the ways that love has been shown to me today?
2. Are there ways in which I can contribute love or good health to someone’s life today?
3. When could I most benefit by remembering to stop, breathe, and experience gratitude?