I believe deeply in myself and dare to trust myself and my abilities to succeed. I know that it is normal for humans to struggle or feel less than capable. After all, I am normal. I help myself to gain the confidence to succeed in any area of my life.
I have faith in my abilities and understand that I sometimes need to try again until I get it right.
I deserve to succeed at anything I choose to pursue, and I walk beside myself every step of the way, cheering me on.
I grow my self-confidence each day. I know that only I can change things for me. I can become the person I want to be and achieve great success in any arena.
It is my birthright to live an abundant life. I deserve to thrive, to experience a joyful life. I guarantee my success by my positive thinking and continuous forward action.
I know my worth. I know how valuable I am. I know that I deserve abundance within my life. I stand firm within myself and recognize that I can do everything I desire. I always remember that I am worthy of amazing things.
I choose to be confident in my abilities. I realize that I can accomplish anything once I believe in myself. I acknowledge my accomplishments. I celebrate them.
I am willing to share my successes with others. I am courageous enough to admit my weaknesses and forgive myself for mistakes. I love myself.
Today, I allow myself to feel proud of my achievements. I give myself credit. I praise myself for the progress I have made and congratulate myself for my efforts.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- Does my belief system support or hinder me?
- Are there any excuses I may give myself that are keeping me from success?
- Do I believe that I am capable of achieving my goals?