I make sleep a top priority. I adopt habits that make it easier to get a full night’s rest.
I go to bed and wake up at a consistent time. I calculate what time I need to get up and work backward from there or use an app that does the math for me. A regular schedule lets my body and mind know when it is time for bed.
I take a warm bath or drink a cup of chamomile tea. Soothing bedtime rituals help me to fall asleep faster.
I block out disruptive sights and sounds that could keep me awake. I turn off the television and other bright screens at least two hours before retiring. I use a fan or white noise machine to mask car alarms and loud stereos.
I replace my pillow and mattress as needed. Proper bedding helps to prevent tossing and turning.
I cut back on caffeine and alcohol. I finish my last cup of coffee at least 8 hours before bedtime. I drink water instead of having a nightcap.
I manage stress. I deal with tension by meditating and exercising regularly. I have pleasant dreams instead of staying up worrying about work.
I talk with my doctor if I have trouble sleeping for an extended time. I discover options to help me get back on track.
Today, I go to bed early and enjoy a full 8 hours of sleep. I give my body and mind the rest and restoration they need to keep me healthy and productive.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What are 3 things I love about sleep?
2. How does my partner’s sleeping habits affect me?
3. How do I feel when I get a full night’s sleep?