I welcome change and adapt readily.
One of my greatest attributes is adaptability. This is my birthright as a human. Regardless of my circumstances, I can change my internal approach. Each time I do this, I get better at adaptation. Therefore, I welcome change.
I am thankful for any new circumstances in my life because I have many opportunities to learn and grow from each one. While new situations may scare others, I am confident in my ability to adapt. Like the mighty oak, I stand strong but flexible.
My resilience serves me well when I experience change. I find innovative solutions for my challenges and bounce back quickly when they are over. I am never surprised to find myself on top of things.
Plus, I have all the resources I need at my disposal. The people and circumstances in my life support me in whatever I choose to do. I have the confidence that I can accomplish whatever I desire, so I am fully comfortable with change.
If I feel hesitant or concerned about how to effectively address a new situation, I take some time to think about what my priorities are. Sometimes, I find that the process matters more than results. At other times, only the ends matter. But when I head in the right direction for me, I am always pleased in the end.
Today, I am thankful for all of the resources available to me. I can adapt to anything that comes my way. Each day, I look for new opportunities to effect positive change in my life, and I am always successful in finding them.
Self-Reflection Questions
1. What is a major change in my life to which I have successfully adapted, whether recently or a long time ago?
2. What resources do I have available to me every day?
3. How can I cultivate confidence in my adaptability?