My world is a warm and friendly place.
I bond with family and friends. I invest time and energy in my relationships. Hanging out with my loved ones is a regular part of my daily schedule. I enjoy family dinners and weekend outings. I share my hospitality and stay in touch.
I express gratitude and appreciation. I let others know when they make a positive difference in my life. I thank them for their presence and thoughtfulness.
I give generously. My words and actions express my feelings. I tell others that I love them.
I ask for help when I need it. I trust my loved ones to be there for me when I need it.
I nurture myself. I accept myself as I am. I know that I am beautiful inside and out. I understand my strengths and use them in my daily life.
I treat myself with kindness and compassion. I choose gentle and helpful words when I speak to myself. I adopt a healthy lifestyle that keeps me strong and fit. I forgive myself when I fall short of expectations. I give myself credit for trying.
I connect with the divine. I develop my spirituality. I reflect and pray. I read inspiring literature. I participate in a faith community where I can explore my beliefs and share my journey with others.
Today, I cultivate love and affection in my life. I celebrate my relationships. I treat others as I wish to be treated. I feel cherished and cared for.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How do I show others that I love them?
- What does my faith teach me about loving myself and others?
- What makes me loveable?