I have discovered that true happiness comes from having consideration for others. I consistently choose others before myself out of true compassion.
I put myself in the place of others and respond to situations based on what I would want someone to do for me. In all I do, I follow the golden rule to do unto others as I would have them do unto me.
Being selfless brings me a much happier life, rich in relationships. The admiration of others is another benefit I receive from choosing to be thoughtful.
When others speak of me, they have only positive things to say because interactions with me leave them feeling uplifted.
Through my example, I inspire others to treat each other with kindness and spread compassion in their own lives. As I lay my own needs aside and choose to serve someone else, others are moved to act the same way.
Choosing others before myself does not mean I neglect my personal needs; it simply means I keep my needs in perspective and maintain a reasonable self-image. It is, after all, only through a healthy self-concept that I am able to think of the needs of others before my own.
Today, I choose to allow my needs to take a backseat to the needs of those I can help around me. I choose to shake off self-centeredness so that I may experience the true joy of serving.
Self-Reflection QuestionsWhat role does self-confidence play in my ability to be compassionate?
What are some benefits to being selfless?
How can I be more selfless today?