Even though life can be particularly challenging at times, I realize that happiness and camaraderie are within my reach each day. In order to live an enriched life, I use my sense of humor to grow joy and friendship.
When I show I have a sense of humor, others are immediately put at ease. The toughest situations become peaceful. Boring events become entertaining.
I know how to instill joy in others. When I demonstrate I can laugh about a situation or even myself, others’ loads are lightened. Life is better for everyone.
Because people are drawn to those who show good humor, my circle of friends expands when I am funny. My sense of humor ensures I can experience ongoing joy and new friendships as time goes by.
My sense of humor sustains me and makes my joy for life contagious. With on-target timing, I am sensitive to the feelings of others and can, therefore, determine when I can bring lightness through humor.
It is wonderful to know I have the power to create joy and friendship!
Today, I seek opportunities to help others feel joyful and to engage in new friendships. When I am jovial and full of fun, my own life swells with joy and camaraderie.
Self-Reflection Questions
1. Do I think I have a good sense of humor?
2. What does it take to share humor with others?
3. How can I better develop my sense of humor?