My work is challenging and fulfilling. I learn and grow on the job.
I take initiative. I reach beyond my comfort zone. I expand my job description and volunteer for interesting assignments. I look for ways to increase quality and customer satisfaction. I present sound suggestions and proposals to my boss.
I ask for feedback. I gain insights by listening to how others perceive me. I thank them for their input and use it to make positive changes.
I add to my knowledge and skills. I read books and listen to podcasts about my industry. I sign up for training courses and observe colleagues who excel at their jobs.
I network vigorously. I build relationships outside the office too. I participate in professional activities and mingle at conferences and award ceremonies. I look for ways to add value and help others.
I turn boring tasks into a game. Any activity can be challenging if I compete with myself and stay alert for ways to make progress.
I create my own goals. I think about the purpose behind my work and the audience that I serve. I work towards measurable targets that keep me motivated.
I think positive. A cheerful attitude helps me to manage stress and accomplish more.
Today, I engage fully with my work. I pursue a career that helps me to develop personally and professionally.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What do I love about my job?
2. How can I find more time for professional training and development?
3. What is one thing I can do to widen my career opportunities?