Deep within my heart, I find my truth center. I am now ready to accept my truth over external opinions.I have come to a place in my life in which I now have the courage to speak my own truth.I recognize that my truth may be different from the truth for some others. And that’s okay! I believe in diversity. Each person has their own truth. I also realize that I have a … [Read more...] about I Stand In My Own Truth
I Face My Fears
I am free to face my fears. I refuse to allow my fears to hold me hostage.I recognize that the acronym for fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. That thought helps bust through any fears I have allowed to take power over me.I know that most fears are false. I now clear any false fears that I held as a child. I delete them. I destroy them. I eliminate them.Now is … [Read more...] about I Face My Fears
I Am Free To Be Myself
I am comfortable with myself. In fact, I love myself. I am 100% confident with being myself regardless of who is present. I find it easier to be myself than to pretend to be someone else.I am comfortable in my own skin. I am happy with the person I am and pleased with the person I am becoming. I freely reveal myself to the world.My strengths are on full display. I am … [Read more...] about I Am Free To Be Myself
I Am Free To Rule Over My Passions
I am grateful for the blessing I have to be free. With freedom comes the great task to manage my liberties in a responsible way. I choose to rule over my passions, rather than becoming a victim to my desires.Part of being free means that I am accountable for what I do with my passions. Emotions are an important part of me as a whole, but to achieve inner peace, I must also … [Read more...] about I Am Free To Rule Over My Passions
Limits increase my freedom
Limits are essential in my life because they protect me from destruction and distractions. On the path to success, limits prevent me from missing the mark.Establishing boundaries to help me organize my life is an act of love. Just like a mother sets restrictions for her children's safety, my boundaries are markers within which I can safely navigate.When I know where my … [Read more...] about Limits increase my freedom