I am a bold person that loves to take calculated risks. I am willing to take risks that have a worthwhile reward.Though I am bold, I avoid being foolish. I avoid risks that lack a sufficient payoff. I consider the risks and rewards of all of my decisions.I am bold enough to try new things. I welcome change into my life and have the boldness to face life head on. I am … [Read more...] about I Am Bold And Courageous
I Expand My Awareness
Examining myself honestly helps me to develop and grow.I acknowledge my thoughts and feelings without making judgements. I accept myself as I am. I understand my strengths and weaknesses.I identify and transform attitudes and assumptions that hold me back.I listen to my body. I notice signs of stress and fatigue. I stop for breaks throughout the day. I take care of … [Read more...] about I Expand My Awareness
I Appreciate Quiet Moments
I enjoy solitude and stillness.I pay attention to my thoughts without making judgements. I connect with the divine. I remember my blessings or write a letter to God.I daydream. I turn my attention inward and indulge my imagination. I increase my self-awareness. I focus on my hopes and dreams. I gain fresh insights and generate new ideas.I take restorative breaks. I … [Read more...] about I Appreciate Quiet Moments
I Am A Neutral Observer Of My Life
As I look at my life, I am centered and calm. I see with the eyes of the hawk.From the vantage point of the hawk, I see the big picture. I notice that drama seems small and far away. I am able to be a neutral observer from this vantage point.I love when I remember to be centered. I am grateful when I remember to see with the sharp eye of the hawk. I see the details from … [Read more...] about I Am A Neutral Observer Of My Life
I Act With Confidence
I am decisive and sure. I believe in myself and my ability to deal with the challenges that come my way.I accept myself as I am. I recognize my strengths and the areas where I need to grow. I let go of judgements and regrets. I treat myself with kindness and compassion. My inner dialogue is gentle and constructive.I take worthwhile risks. I focus on what I have to gain. … [Read more...] about I Act With Confidence