Change can sometimes feel uncomfortable, but it is the only way to make progress. I remind myself that each ending is an opportunity.
I replace my doubts and fears with confidence and hope. I recognize my strengths and focus on what I have to gain.
I take a proactive approach. I figure out my options and make concrete plans. I push myself out of my comfort zone.
Setbacks are only temporary as long as I keep pursuing my dreams.
I reach out for support. I talk things through with trusted family members and friends. I use my network to find contacts who have had similar experiences. I learn from their insights and expertise.
If I am laid off at work, I look for a different job. I continue advancing in my career.
If I break up with my partner, I find other sources of love and companionship. I join a volleyball league or try online dating.
As my children reach each milestone, I celebrate the stages of our lives. I find gratification in helping them to become responsible adults.
When I complete a major goal, I set my sights on my next objective.
I embrace aging with ease and grace. Along with wrinkles and gray hair, I have developed more wisdom and patience.
Today, I prepare myself to make a fresh start. When I let go of the past, I make room in my life for new lessons and blessings. I replace each thing I lose with something greater.
Self-Reflection Questions
- Why is it important to practice self-care during difficult times?
- What do I think about the expression that time heals losses?
- How does change help me to grow?