When I fear something, I become frightened, confused, and powerless. I feel lost. When I dare to face my fears, I gain power. I take back my passion by moving out of my comfort zone. I tackle my fears about having control over life and the future.
It feels scary to take risks, and it feels safer to stay inside my comfort zone. But when I take risks and jump into my dreams, I never look back.
What is the point of living an ordinary life? Why should I live within the bounds of my fears? I can aim instead to expand my horizons.
I can gain the freedom to do what I have always wanted and gain the courage to dream. I regain my power when I dare to be bold. I learn how to trust my gut instincts and intuition and listen to my inner guidance.
I vow to venture outside my comfort zone, stand up to my fears, and go beyond my limits.
I take back my power and take control over my life. I step out of my box, explore my options, explore the unknown, and experience the thrill of the adventure.
And I am excited about the present and my future because I take chances and I am eager to leave my comfort zone. I am eager to grow.
Today, I am stepping into the present and conquering my fears. My path is clear.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How does it feel to let go of fear?
- Where can I seek new experiences, skills, and insight?
- How do new experiences improve my life?