I enjoy cleaning my house.
I am blessed to have a place to live to call my own. Because I am grateful to have a home, I take care of my house. I keep my place tidy and clean because I value it as a gift to my family.
Weekly, I clean a few rooms in my home. I remove the dust off objects and vacuum my carpets and rugs. I sweep and mop the floors until I like the way they look. I pick up unsightly messes and work hard at keeping things organized.
The cleaner my home is, the better I feel. I enjoy a neat home because it helps me to calm down. As I relax in my tidy home, creative juices flow through my body. When I look at my home and see clean space instead of clutter, I feel at peace.
Because I enjoy how my home looks when the surfaces glow and everything is put away, I enjoy cleaning my house. I like finding things in their place when I need them; therefore, I enjoy putting those things in their place when I am finished with them.
I like disinfecting the bathrooms in my home. I feel a great sense of accomplishment when I see the sinks, fixtures, and tiles shine. I feel proud knowing that I am creating a clean and healthy space for my family to live.
Today, I see caring for my home as therapeutic, not as a chore. I choose to embrace cleaning as an act of kindness I perform toward my family.
Self-Reflection Questions
1. What do I need to clean in my home today?
2. How do I feel when my house is neat and tidy?
3. What is my favorite place to clean in my home?