My concentration is strong.
I train my mind to focus.
I limit multitasking. I give my full attention to one activity at a time. Taking a mindful approach helps me to work more productively and experience less tension. I accomplish more in less time.
I create a daily meditation practice. I sit down for a few minutes each day to still my mind and observe my thoughts. As I practice, I learn how to choose the objects of my attention in any situation.
I take care of my mind and body. My physical and mental wellbeing are closely connected. I prioritize sleep, good nutrition, and staying active. I exercise my mind with games that sharpen my mental abilities.
I deal with stress constructively. It is easier to concentrate when I feel relaxed.
I pause for breaks throughout the day. A brief walk or a chat with a friend refreshes me. I return to work with greater enthusiasm and a sharper focus.
I minimize distractions as much as possible. I put aside worries and doubts. I clear away physical clutter. I turn off electronic devices and try to find a quiet place to work. When I am interrupted, I bounce back quickly. Instead of becoming irritated, I accept diversions as a natural part of life.
Today, I remind myself to focus on the present moment. My mind is calm and clear. I am able to concentrate more fully for longer periods of time.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How does paying attention to my surroundings help me to lead a more fulfilling life?
- How does technology affect my ability to concentrate?
- What is one thing I can do to help lengthen my attention span?