I give thanks daily for my focus in life.
I am confident in my ability to achieve my goals. Each day, I live with presence and conviction and, therefore, make good on my dreams. For this, I am intensely grateful.
I know that I can have what I want! All I need to do is focus. I put forth my intention and my dreams and desires are made manifest.
Focus is the biggest secret to my success. I pay close attention to what I want and then devote my energy to accomplishing my dreams.
Sometimes, achieving my goals requires greater effort than at other times. When this is the case, I am particularly thankful for my focus. Sustained effort requires motivation and motivation requires remembering why I am willing to put in some hard work. But when I focus on my goals, motivation comes easily.
If I feel distracted or scattered, I take a few moments to close my eyes and just breathe. I notice the sensations of my feet on the floor and my hands resting on my lap.
This simple exercise renews my focus by bringing me into the present moment. And when I am fully present, I feel gratitude for where I am and how far I have come.
Today, I make time to contemplate my many accomplishments. I am thankful for my focus in life, which enables me to have all that I want.
I seek out opportunities to cultivate this gratitude by paying attention to my deepest desires and pursuing them devotedly.
Self-Reflection Questions
1. What are some of the things I have accomplished in the last year?
2. To what do I attribute these successes?
3. Are there aspects of my life that could benefit from greater focus?