I rejoice in giving.
Giving to others is a pleasure because it reminds me that I am blessed. I count it a privilege to be able to give. Every day, I am showered with blessings, which I look forward to sharing with others.
When I give to others, I am the one who benefits. Seeing the look of joy on someone’s face after receiving my gift makes it all worthwhile. My giving comes from the heart; therefore I continue to give even when I feel empty.
I give freely, with no strings attached. I refrain from competition, comparison, and boasting because I give based on what I can give, regardless of what others may give.
I choose to give free from pressure. I put a lot of time and thought into my giving. Before I offer a gift, I am filled with joy and excitement in anticipation of the reaction of the recipient.
Giving is more satisfying than receiving. Knowing that I have helped a person in their time of need is priceless. Just as I would want others to be there for me in my time of need, I am there for others.
My giving is not limited to financial or material things; I give of myself, too.
When I am around my loved ones, I make it a point to be present in the moment and to give all of my attention to them. I volunteer for worthy causes because giving of my time and strength makes a difference.
Today, I choose to make an impact on the lives of those around me by lovingly opening my arms. After all, the more I give away, the more I gain!
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Why do I give?
2. Which non-material gift can I share with my loved ones?
3. What can I give today?
Related Article – How Helping Others Benefits YOU