I am dedicated to my physical health.
My health is paramount to me. I know that staying in good shape and eating right are the keys to longevity. And I want to live a long, happy life. Therefore, I take care of my body in every way that I can.
When I get up in the morning, I remind myself that now is my opportunity to start my day off right. With this in mind, I choose healthy breakfast foods with a balance of protein, fats, and fresh fruits. Eating this way makes me feel energized and helps me reconnect in a positive way with my body.
As I pack my lunch for the day, I am sure to include plenty of healthy food. I may allow myself a small treat, too, but I ensure that I have sufficient amounts of nourishing foods to see me through my day.
For me, snacks are also an important part of eating well. They keep my metabolism high and get me through the hours between meals. Because I know I am likely to snack at work, I pack some healthier goodies for myself each day. This helps to ensure that I avoid the candy and soda machines at work, which are full of empty calories.
In addition to eating right, I stay physically fit. This means designating specific times for exercise each week. Some weeks, I can fit in several hours. On other weeks, I can only exercise for half an hour. Either way, I make a point of setting aside time for fitness.
Today, I recommit myself to my physical health. I am grateful for all the things my body does for me and I work hard to keep it running well.
Self-Reflection Questions
1. In what ways do I currently tend to my physical health?
2. In what ways can I take better care of myself, physically?
3. If I have challenges making time for exercise, what seems to stand in my way?