I choose to be merciful. I choose to be kind.
I am grateful for the kindness that others have shown me. I am, in turn, paying it forward. I believe that like attracts like. Therefore, I am inclined toward kindness.
I am thankful for the benevolence that has been given to me. I can see in people’s eyes whether they are benevolent or not. I choose to associate with other benevolent beings.
I am humbled at the mercy I receive. I choose to live in a world where people show mercy toward others. I surround myself with merciful beings.
I follow the adage of showing random acts of kindness and senseless expressions of joy. I wonder what the World would be like if we all thought and acted this way?
I choose to find ways to display my goodwill. I have a strong will. I will do good. I explore the many meanings of goodwill.
I choose to display generous acts of kindness. I pay it forward at Starbucks. I love that game. I find ways to do charitable acts of kindness. I love being anonymous.
I have an inclination for doing good. I find new ways to be kind. I choose forgiveness often.
Today, I discover new ways to give surprise gifts. I find out my friends’ love languages and learn to speak them fluently. I am having fun being a benevolent being.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What can I do to become more benevolent?
- Who could use a random act of kindness today?
- To whom could I show more mercy and forgiveness this week?