I believe that I get back from the world what I give to it. In order to cease the cycle of negativity, I give out positive energy. I show respect to others because it encourages goodness to surround me.
I am hardly responsible for how others behave. But I make it a point to promote the kind of environment that I thrive in.
When someone new joins my team at work, I provide training on departmental culture. This ensures that the message of unity and mutual respect is taught in the beginning. I am proactive in setting the tone in the workplace.
Leading with positive behavior sets up each interaction for a beneficial outcome. When there is a disagreement, it allows for peaceful resolution.
Having someone shout at me in anger is offensive, but I avoid taking it personally. I remind myself that the issue resides in the other person. Instead of responding in the same way, I choose to maintain an even temper.
Giving someone the chance to join me in my emotional state opens the door for reconciliation.
I teach my children regard for authority. Although authority figures sometimes abuse their power, the responsibility for a peaceful outcome lies within each person.
When someone tries to look down on me, I hold my head high and let my light shine. That is the image that I present in front of my impressionable kids.
Today, I see value in respecting others. Situations sometimes lead others to unfortunate actions, but I live in forgiveness. I avoid allowing anyone’s negativity to taint me.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How do I encourage respectfulness in meetings at work?
2. How do I maintain a calm demeanor when someone is verbally attacking me?
3. How easy is it to be kind to someone who is unkind to me?