Where I am in life is as a result of the positive examples set by others. They contribute to my growth as a soulful and inspired human.
People who dedicate their lives to serving are the true heroes. I use their stories of sacrifice to inspire similar action in my life. My reading material consists of lessons from selfless souls on the importance of putting others before myself.
Working with impoverished and oppressed people is heartrending, but I encourage myself to see the blessing.
I learn the true meaning of life. My true mission is to breathe some of my privileged life into others. In sharing, I gain what is truly valuable to my existence.
Putting others before myself is important in personal relationships. I realize that when love is shared, it expands instead of being diminished.
Thinking of the sacrifice and love of my parents makes me realize how much I have. It is possible to love others endlessly without leaving myself out. I know that it is important to take care of myself so that I am able to give care to others.
I choose to work in soup kitchens on my rest days because it challenges my selflessness. Seeing the needy be revived by my effort makes it all worthwhile.
Today, the examples that I choose to follow are the ones by people who act out of selflessness. Their journeys prepare me for a life of sacrifice that brings its own rewards.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Who are my role models?
2. How do I know when I am doing enough to help others?
3. How do I involve my family and friends in my efforts to assist the needy?