The only true limitations in my life are in my own mind. I am a highly capable person. I can do amazing things. Any exterior obstacles are minor and easily overcome. I am capable of doing anything unless I fool myself into thinking otherwise.
When I control my mind, I am limitless.
I am in control of my fear. I am in control of my doubts. I am in control of my self-esteem and confidence
I choose to approach life free of fear and doubt – with high self-esteem and confidence. When I manage these things, all of the limitations in my life melt away.
I choose to believe that I am limitless in every way. I believe that I can transcend any obstacles with my natural gifts. I believe that the only limitations in my life exist within my mind.
I control my mind. Therefore, I am free of limitations.
I merely need to set a goal, take action, and stay the course. Success is guaranteed when I realize that life is free of any external limitations.
Today, I approach life without limitations. I am confident in my ability to be successful. My limitations only exist in my mind.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What am I allowing to stop me? Is this a real obstacle? Or is it merely an imaginary obstacle that I have created in my own mind?
- What do I believe are my most significant limitations? How do I know these limitations are true?
- What would I do if I believed I couldn’t fail?