My self-talk has a powerful effect on my life, so I pay attention to what I say to myself.I maintain a high level of awareness of my self-talk. I know that negative self-talk can have derogatory effects on my mood, decisions, actions, and results. For this reason, I make it a priority to think kindly of myself and use encouraging self-talk to uplift my spirits.I have … [Read more...] about I Am Free From Negative Self-Talk
Every Desire I Have Is Achievable
I have big goals for my life. I am a confident and capable person. While my goals might be big, I believe with all of my heart that I am able to achieve all of my desires.I possess complete certainty that my success is guaranteed.I know what I want. I clarify my goals and divide them into easily achievable steps that lead to reaching those goals.Each day brings me … [Read more...] about Every Desire I Have Is Achievable
I Am The Creator Of My Reality
My reality is ultimately under my control. The only person responsible for my future is myself. I accept that responsibility with enthusiasm.I have the power and ability to create any reality of my choosing.I create my reality with my thoughts. By managing and directing my thoughts, I have a tremendous impact on my reality.My thoughts are positive and supportive of … [Read more...] about I Am The Creator Of My Reality
I Feel Confident
I am powerful and resilient.I make sound decisions. I set reasonable boundaries. I stand up for my principles and advocate for my needs. I adopt habits that make me happy and healthy. I devote my time and energy to meaningful activities.I take risks. I try new things. I am curious and adventurous.I add to my accomplishments and capabilities. I continue learning. I … [Read more...] about I Feel Confident
I Am Bold And Courageous
I am a bold person that loves to take calculated risks. I am willing to take risks that have a worthwhile reward.Though I am bold, I avoid being foolish. I avoid risks that lack a sufficient payoff. I consider the risks and rewards of all of my decisions.I am bold enough to try new things. I welcome change into my life and have the boldness to face life head on. I am … [Read more...] about I Am Bold And Courageous