There are only so many days in a lifetime. Life has an expiration date. Because I understand this fact, I avoid putting my life on hold.
Today is a great day to begin living my dreams. Why wait for the perfect day to put my plans into action? Today is as good a day as any. Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
I feel blessed to have another day on this great planet.
I can easily find beauty in my life. This alone is a great reason not to waste any time.
There is so much beauty to be seen. Nature, art, photographs, my friends and family, and all the other places I am able to appreciate the beauty are all around me.
I refuse to waste this day in any way, shape, or form. I have too much respect for life in general and my life in particular.
When I respect my time and my life, I naturally make the most of my day.
I am making the most of this day and ensuring that I go to bed with a smile on my face. There are few things better than knowing I had a great, productive day.
Today, I make the most of every minute. Today is a gift that I am determined to squeeze every drop from. Today is a blessing and a gift that I refuse to waste.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How much time do I waste each day? How do I waste time?
- What could I accomplish if I reduced the amount of time I wasted?
- What can I do today that will make my life better tomorrow?