I feel great today. I am well-rested and alert. I regularly enjoy a great night of sleep and wake up ready to seize the day. My mind and body feel especially rested and relaxed today. I know today is going to be exceptional.
I feel healthy in every sense of the world. My mind and body are running like well-oiled machines.
I am free of sickness, and I can tell my body is in healing mode. Any aches and pains I might normally suffer are being addressed and healed. My mind and body are getting better in every way.
I feel strong, both physically and mentally. My body feels totally capable of doing everything I need it to do today. I can feel my body becoming stronger. My body wants to be healthy and strong.
My mind is strong. It can withstand any stress or pressure demanded of it. My mind can persevere. My mind can focus and avoid distractions. I am feeling courageous and capable.
My mind and body are at their best today. I feel like I can accomplish anything today. I believe that tomorrow is going to be even better!
Today, I am feeling healthy and strong. I know that I can accomplish a lot today and have a great time while I am doing it. My mind and body feel healthy and capable. Today is a great day.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What health concerns do I have? What can I do to address them?
- How can I improve my diet? How would I look and feel if I consistently ate more nutritiously?
- What is the greatest source of stress in my life? How can I reduce that stress or manage it more effectively?