My heart is warm and open. Treating others with kindness and respect makes me feel closer to them. I feel happy. Cherishing others gives me a warm glow.
I find satisfaction. Even if my bank account is running low, I can have a positive impact on others by listening to them and validating their feelings.
I love my family and friends. I pay attention to their needs. I prepare healthy family dinners and keep my home comfortable and safe. I take an interest in what my friends are going through. I am reliable and supportive.
I demonstrate team spirit at work. I share constructive feedback and let others know when they are doing a great job. I remember the details of their personal lives. I engage fully in meetings and group projects.
I offer assistance to those who are struggling. I tutor children who are falling behind in school. I ask an elderly neighbor if they need help with grocery shopping and yard work.
I share my time, money, and talents. I donate to charities and practice random acts of kindness.
I protect the environment. I conserve energy and recycle. I limit my consumption.
I care for my own welfare too. I build my capacity to care by eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and sleeping well.
Today, I show others how much they mean to me. I am caring and loving.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What is one favor I could do for someone today?
2. What is one example of a small kindness that made a big difference in my life?
3. How can I care about people who are unfriendly towards me?