I am in charge of my life and awake to my new destiny.
As I continually work on myself, I am continually changing my future. As I unravel from my past, I am free to lift up, like helium balloons. I am free to fly.
I am finding it amazing at how light I feel! I am amazed at why it took me until now to let go of unnecessary emotional baggage. I forgive myself for taking this long. I recognize that it takes as long as it takes.
I am awakening new potential in each moment. Each breath I take releases stuck energy from my body. I inhale and new realizations form in my mind’s eye.
I am grateful that I have come this far. I am grateful at the speed at which I am replacing old behavior with positive action steps. I am rapidly growing.
I am always amazed when I come to a plateau of new awareness. I am in awe at my personal growth and the speed at which I am growing.
I love these “aha” moments. I giggle a little each time I see how stunned I am every time I come to this new awareness. I see through the eyes of my childlike self.
Today, I take a moment to enjoy the view – to take it all in. I reflect on all that my life has become. I look forward to an exciting future as I take charge of my destiny!
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How can I enjoy these “aha” moments even more?
- What can I write in my journal today, that will be worth reflection upon in the future?
- Who can I share this magic moment with?