I make a unique contribution.
I am a loving parent. I raise my children to be responsible and independent. I help them with their homework and read them bedtime stories. I provide unconditional love and consistent discipline.
I am a supportive partner. I show my spouse affection and appreciation. We resolve conflicts constructively. We share household chores and make major decisions together. We enjoy each other’s company and work toward common goals.
I am a trusted friend. I listen without making judgments. I know how to give and take. I engage in fun activities and deep conversations.
I am a valuable employee. I help my boss achieve their goals and collaborate effectively with my coworkers. I keep my skills updated. I care about the quality of my work and my professional relationships.
I treat myself with kindness and respect. I take care of my health and wellbeing. I send myself positive and encouraging messages. I take breaks and manage stress. I train myself to live consciously.
I act according to my values and beliefs. I clarify my priorities. I stand up for my principles and hold myself accountable for my choices. My motivation comes from within. I pursue my own definition of success.
I strive to reach my potential. I set challenging and compelling goals. I continue learning. I strengthen my resources and add to my achievements.
Today, I recognize my own worth. I feel loved, appreciated, and understood. My life has purpose and meaning.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Why is it important to feel needed?
2. What do I see when I look in the mirror?
3. If I were running for political office, what would my campaign slogan be?