I have so much to be thankful for. When I express my appreciation, I remind myself to be grateful, and I let others know that they make a difference.
I connect with my partner. I resist the tendency to take each other for granted as time goes by. I focus on what is going well in our relationship and the positive qualities that I admire in them. I cook their favorite meal and tell them I love them.
I show my children how much they mean to me. I read them bedtime stories and help them with their homework. I thank them for pitching in with chores and making me laugh.
I tell a friend that they make my life richer. I describe how they help me by listening to my struggles or teaching me to be more patient.
I praise a coworker for mastering the new database and explaining it to the rest of the team.
I thank a stranger for handing out bagels to the homeless and reminding me of the kindness in the world.
I pat myself on the back too. I give myself credit for setting goals and trying to reach them. I reward myself for making an effort regardless of the immediate results.
Today, I let my gratitude and appreciation shine through. I take advantage of each opportunity to offer genuine thanks and praise.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What are the benefits of cultivating gratitude and appreciation?
2. When was the last time I wrote a thank you letter?
3. Why is it important to be specific when giving praise?