I know that strong emotions cloud my perception. Anger is a strong emotion that harms my judgment, so I resolve any angry feelings that I may experience.
Whenever I feel anger, I am immediately aware that I am intellectually compromised. My ability to see the situation accurately is severely limited when I am angry.
Consequently, my ability to make sound decisions is also limited. When I make poor decisions, the quality of my life suffers.
I value the ability to view life accurately. To do that, I must be calm and peaceful. I avoid making important decisions when I feel strong emotions.
When I am emotionally neutral, I am wise. My wisdom is one of my greatest strengths, and I choose to use it daily.
Viewing the world through the eyes of anger is a huge mistake. Anger limits the quality of my life. I decide each day to release my anger and see the world clearly.
Today, I am experiencing serenity. I allow my anger to fall as quickly as it rises. I allow myself the ability to see situations as they actually are. I let go of my anger so I can see more clearly.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. When have I allowed anger to cloud my judgment? What was the result? If I had made a wiser decision, what would the result have been?
2. How would my life change if I never made decisions while angry?
3. When am I most likely to become angry? What can I do to better contain my anger?