I alone decide how I feel. I have the option of experiencing any emotion I choose. I can choose to feel happy or sad, excited or bored, hopeful or hopeless. My feelings are under my control.
Other people lack the power to affect my emotions. I can choose how I wish to respond to whatever they say or do. I remember that I am the one who is in charge.
When I feel down, I can change that feeling as I see fit. I can turn any negative emotion into a positive emotion. I can turn sadness into happiness. I can turn anxiety into comfort. I can move from fear to fearlessness.
I can do all this because I am a master at controlling my emotions.
Deciding how I am going to feel, and making that feeling a reality, is a skill. I am constantly improving this skill. With each passing day, I have greater control over my emotions.
I am developing a greater ability to choose useful emotions and reject those that are useless. I decide what emotion is most advantageous and experience that emotion. When an emotion fails to serve me, I reject it.
Today, I take responsibility for my emotions. I choose to control my emotions and make them work for me, rather than against me. I am in charge of how I feel.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- In what situations do my emotions work against me? How would my life be changed if I had more control over my emotions?
- What do I feel are the most effective emotions I could feel in the different areas of my life?
- When I lose control of my emotions, what happens?