I look in the mirror and see the miracle standing before me.
I acknowledge myself. I see my beauty and genius. I stare at myself in the mirror and realize what a miracle I am.
Just by being human, I am a miracle.
Just by virtue of being born, I am a miracle.
Just by going through life and surviving, I am a miracle.
I see the greatness that lies within me. I greet the giant within. I discover that the best I have to offer is truly wondrous.
I am grateful for all the miracles in my life. I see that all of life is a miracle. I am in awe at the beauty of life.
I see this world as a magnificent miracle, filled with many miracles of their own. I am honored to be here. I see the miracles happening in each moment.
I realize the more I see my world as a miracle, the more my world becomes the miracle I seek.
I am now seeing rather than seeking. I have arrived at this precious miracle moment.
Today, I see the miracle of life. I know that each child that is born into this world is a miracle. I choose to see each moment like a brand-new baby being born. Yes, now I realize that I am the miracle I’ve been waiting for!
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How can I see the miracle of life more clearly?
- How can I live my life each moment as a miracle in the making?
- What can I do to share this new realization to uplift and empower others around me?