After so much chaos in the world this past year, I have decided to avoid depending on the World to normalize itself. I am choosing to create my new normal NOW! I am taking the bull by the horns and wrestling it down to the ground like a rodeo cowboy! Yeehaw!
I realize that I am in charge of my own reality. I can create anything I want. I am tired of waiting for the ship to stabilize. I am in charge of what happens next to me.
I pull up my bootstraps and get on with it. I call upon my feisty DNA from my pioneer heritage that crossed oceans and prairies to get what they wanted. I feel my ancestors rise up within me and tell me “YOU CAN DO IT!”
I look back at the history of what my family has gone through to give me the privileges that I have today. I am humbled and grateful for their sacrifices.
I honor their strength and determination to create a better life for their children and grandchildren by following their lead.
I bolster up all my courage to face the unknown. I choose to look at the future as an adventure. I embrace it. I choose to be brave.
I know I am fully capable of creating anything I want. I know I have what it takes within me to determine my future. I feel the endurance gene activating within me.
I am built for this.
I am tough.
Today, I rise up and overcome all obstacles in my path and realize they are just stepping stones for reaching my full potential.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How can I show up in a way that honors my ancestors?
- What scares me the most?
- What can I do to overcome that fear and do it anyway?