I am committed to follow my own truth. I am feeling my inner power increase. I am independent and strong.
Now that I see that I am independent from external influence, I can go within to my core energy and find the heart of my truth. I am feeling stronger. I am feeling my resolve double in determination.
I recognize the many freedoms that I have allowed to be taken away slowly and stealthily. Now that I have a new strength within, I resolve to take back my power.
I have power over my thoughts, emotions, my voice, and my body.
I have power over my ego. My core essence is now in charge. I am awake, aware, conscious, and independent.
I make plans to rely only on my higher consciousness. I commit to my higher purpose. I am now clear with what steps to take for my highest good.
I make a contract with myself to stay awake. I resolve to take steps that will keep me aware of any slip in consciousness. I guard my independence like a dragon keeps its gold.
Through vigilance, I hold my independence close to my heart. I review my declaration of independence. I commit it to memory, like saying the Pledge of Allegiance. I read up on my constitutional rights. I know what is right and fair.
Today, I take a stand for myself. I stand behind my principles. I stand up for truth and integrity. I stand up for my independence.
Self-reflection Questions:
- What personal rights have I allowed to be taken away?
- What am I doing now to preserve the rights I have left?
- What am I doing to regain my independence?