Just as the bear finds honey hidden in a tree, I find the sweetness hidden in life.
Sometimes the sweetness isn’t evident. I have to look for it. It may be tucked away in odd places. I awaken my “spidey sense” to notice the tiny surprises each day.
I spot a shiny penny on the ground that wants to come home in my pocket. I take that as a sign that money is coming my way. I am grateful that I listen to my intuition and look on the ground at the perfect moment.
A feather lightly touches the ground just in front of me, and I pick it up to give to my friend who collects feathers. I love to find random objects that remind me of my sweet friends. I find the perfect moment to surprise them with a simple gift from the heart. I enjoy seeing their delight as they open their surprise gift from the heart.
I find that a walk on the beach produces many gifts from the sea that I can share with others. I always tell the ocean thank you. I say a little prayer for all the sea creatures.
My heart fills with gratitude for the beauty and bounty that I find all around me.
I make a game out of finding the sweetness of life. Just taking the time to smell the freshness of the breeze fills my heart with gladness. I feel the sun on my skin and am grateful for the light and warmth of the sun. Thank you, Sunshine!
Today, I take the time to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch the sweetness of this Wonderful World. I notice acts of kindness. I pass on the sweetness to others. I am uplifted each and every day by the sweetness of life.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What scenarios in my life remind me how sweet life is?
- How can I conjure up more joy from life?
- Who brings sweetness to my life?