Now is a good time for me to look at how far I have come in the past year. I have a bountiful harvest of fresh, new personal growth to put into my storehouse of wisdom.
As I gather the fruits of my labor, I give thanks for this harvest.
I am grateful that I have reaped what I have sown. My efforts to cultivate positivity have paid off with an abundance of benefits.
This has been a very good year for personal growth, despite starting with rocky soil. I have been able to dig deep and cultivate the soil of my soul.
I have nurtured my soul garden.
I have tended to my tiny plants of positive thinking despite the harsh conditions of the past year. I have watered my plants with strength. I have brought my shadowed plants into the light.
I even give thanks for the hardships, as I grew the most from the challenges of life in the last year.
I feel proud of my accomplishments in personal growth. I see how much I have grown. I am astounded by my personal growth and maturity.
I deserve to be kind to myself and celebrate this harvest.
Today, I get to enjoy the fruits of my labor as I spread the table with bountiful blessings that I can share with others.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What blessings have I harvested in the last year?
- What challenge have I overcome that I am most proud of?
- Who can I invite to come to my bountiful table and share in this wisdom?