I have a rich attitude. I am rich. I am unlimited. I am resourceful. I am full of resources.
With this newfound attitude, I can do anything. I release old programming. I release old beliefs. I release negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts.
I know that everything is attitude. Everything is perspective. I choose a great attitude. I renew my perspective from my perch above the fray. I see through the eyes of the eagle. I see through a new lens.
I love my new attitude. I feel myself soaring through life above the clouds. I feel myself rising like a hawk on the updraft.
I feel like a queen. I feel like a king. I am the emperor of my own World. I know I create my own reality. I am creating a rich reality for my empire.
I stand more regally. I walk with confidence. I speak with authority. I rule my world. As the creator of my own life, I bask in the glory of its magnificence.
I need only to look at a sunset to see what a rich world I live in. I start to count my blessings. I make a list of all that I am grateful for.
I am grateful for the conveniences around me. I am grateful for power, water, shelter, clothing, transportation, gas, and food.
Today, I am grateful for the bounty of this world. I am blessed. With such unlimited resources, I know that I can do anything and create the life I want to live.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How can I show more gratitude for what is?
- What can I do to improve my state of being?
- Who can I help?