Deep within my heart, I find my truth center. I am now ready to accept my truth over external opinions.
I have come to a place in my life in which I now have the courage to speak my own truth.
I recognize that my truth may be different from the truth for some others. And that’s okay! I believe in diversity. Each person has their own truth. I also realize that I have a right to speak my truth, as do they.
I am far enough along the path of life to see that I deserve to stand in my truth. I also recognize that everyone else has that freedom as well. I am happy that we are all starting to become sovereign unto ourselves.
I see myself as a drop of water within the Ocean. I am a drop. I am also the Ocean. I am an individual. I am also part of the human family.
I do believe that we can all get along, even if we each have differing individual beliefs. We have the right to freedom of thought – to each have our own beliefs. We also have the right to free speech to express those beliefs.
I believe we are freedom-seeking beings and we each have equal rights as equal human beings. We have the right to be free and to have our own opinions. I uphold our right to freedom.
Today, I stand in my truth. I access my authenticity. I am safe to be who I am. I am safe to express my truth.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- Where have I not been truthful with myself?
- How can I remedy that?
- What truths will I never compromise?