I have an abundance of choices regarding how I think and live.
I choose thoughts and actions that support my highest potential. The higher power guides me.
I believe that every thought has a consequence, and therefore I oversee my thoughts. I notice my thoughts and consciously decide whether to keep them or let them go.
I pay attention to my inner dialogue. If I hear unwanted self-talk, I stop the flow of thoughts and redirect them. I choose a new destination for my thoughts and focus my mind in a positive manner.
I am aware of the triggers that lead me to say things I may regret. I use my awareness to guide my decisions.
If my mind goes in an unwanted direction, I take notes and update my thought pattern. When stuck in this kind of thought loop, I do something different. I take action.
This may mean changing my environment, and I take a walk outside. I listen to music, play sports, write out my thoughts, or just find something else to do.
I practice observing my thoughts and choosing new ones. I avoid repeating destructive patterns over again. I am aware of my thoughts. I watch and choose carefully. I know how to replace them with thoughts that serve my higher self.
Today, I acknowledge that my thoughts are powerful tools. I use my thoughts to create a better reality for myself and others. I use my thoughts wisely and intentionally.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How can I learn to use my thoughts to improve my life?
- How can I be conscious of my thoughts to direct them as tools instead?
- Where can I direct my thoughts in ways that help me achieve my highest potential?