Even though there are some stormy seas, I can sail right through them. I know that stormy seas make great sailors.
As I make my way through the travails of life, I strengthen my skills as a sailor through this world.
I am grateful that I have the skills to sail through life – that I have learned to bounce back from disappointments. Just as a sailor weathers a storm and comes out on the other side to find calm seas again, I find freedom by overcoming adversity.
I am grateful that I have the courage to face uncertain seas. I let go of worries about my future, knowing that I have the strength and skills to handle whatever life throws at me.
I see my life as an adventure. I am on the journey of my lifetime.
Regardless of what I have to face, I boldly face the winds of life, and allow my sails to fill. I follow my North Star. I keep on track with my compass. I arrive safely at my port of call.
I am excited to explore uncharted waters. After all, I am an adventurer and explorer. I choose to look at life from a broad, world-wide perspective. I see the world as my oyster.
I enjoy a day cruise in my mind. I learn much from the metaphors of the sea.
I adjust my sails to the climate of my environment. I take a voyage into the great beyond. I love the feeling of freedom and independence that the sea life brings.
Today, I listen to the voice of the sea. I take time to learn the lessons of the ocean. I hear the messages of the wind. I am free.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What can I do to strengthen my courage?
- Where do I need to challenge myself?
- How can I feel greater freedom?