Whenever there is conflict, I bring peace. Wherever there is chaos, I bring calm.
I choose to be a positive influence on my team.
I prepare each morning to be the best person I can possibly be each day. I always bring my “A” game. I am a fabulous team player.
I am also an excellent leader. I lead by example. I am a servant leader. I lead by serving others. I bring wisdom to the team. I bring experience to the team. I bring maturity to the team. The team is stronger because I believe in my team.
I first know that to bring peace and calm to my team, I must first be peaceful and calm within. I take time every morning to reflect and calm myself.
I stretch. I walk in Nature. I listen to music that engenders peace and calm. I bring all the blessings of taking the time to prepare myself to the team.
I do my homework to find wonderful resources of peaceful communication to share with my team. I take extra training to be a wonderful facilitator of peace.
I choose to be an instrument of peace. I only put out positive messages on social media. I only expose myself to programming that is positive and peaceful. I unplug from anything that takes me out of my calm, centered self.
Today, I choose peace. I chose calm. I choose centeredness. And I bring these gifts to my team.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How can I be an excellent example of peace?
- How can I bring more calm to the table?
- What can I do to help world peace?